❤️ Forces of Attraction ❤️

This one goes out to the data-curious and the hopeless romantics. Our site visualizes a dataset of more than 8000 pairings in experimental speed-dating events by Columbia Business School professors Ray Fisman and Sheena Iyengar for their paper "Gender Differences in Mate Selection: Evidence From a Speed Dating Experiment". The dating takes place over multiple "waves", and participants get paired up with an array of partners from a wide variety of backgrounds. We hope you enjoy exploring this data!


Each node is a participant in the study, arranged according to . A line between two nodes indicates that those participants are a match in the current wave!

You can drag the nodes to see which other participants attract each other in the study, and select a single node to highlight the information for its group in the summary views.

# of Participants:
Group by:

Group Legend:


Here we see statistics over all of the waves, divided by group. You can use the same drop-down below the visualization on the left to select the grouping type. Click away! You may find a secret hidden in one of the groups.

Click on the labels above to see detailed probabilites for each group below.

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